Tutorial - How to use Runners?#


It is highly recommended that you use the Runners class for the second assignment on randomized optimizations.

An example with RHC Runner#

The below example illustrates how to initialize an RHCRunner object.

import mlrose_ky

# initialize the following variables
problem = # An opt prob object from [[opt_probs]]
seed = # a seed so experiments are reproducible
iteration_list = 2**np.arange(10)
max_attempts = 5000
restart_list = [25,75,100]

rhc = mlrose_ky.RHCRunner(problem=problem,
                        iteration_list = iteration_list

The .run() method can be called on the rhc to return 2 dataframes that contain the results.

df_run_stats, df_run_curves = rhc.run()

The df_run_stats dataframe records the information based on the parameters in the restart list, i.e. 25 restarts, 75 restarts and 100 restarts. For the other runners, the df_run_stats follows the iteration list instead, i.e. df_run_stats has information based on list mentioned in iteration_list

However, we use df_run_curves for plotting that has all the information, i.e. all restarts from 0 to 100.


Since the experiments take a lot of time to run, it is highly recommended that you save the df_run_curves output using the pandas.to_csv() method.>

This saved df_run_curves returns a nice dataframe that can be used with plotting functions (which is a WIP in mlrose-ky).

The output has the following items:
- Fitness score
- FEvals (Fitness Evaluations)
- Time (in seconds)
- Other algorithm variables depending on Runner used, eg: Population Size and Keep Percent for MIMIC.


Simulated Annealing does not track decay types so it is best to record different decay types into df_run_curves before saving the runner.

Use runners to make your own custom wrapper#

The best way to use runners would be to wrap and call the runners in your own function. One example workflow is below.

  1. Pass the following input to the function.

    1. Generate a problem using one of the problem generators.
    2. Pass in the seed, iteration_list, max_attempts, and restart_list
    3. Other parameters based on algorithm used, e.g. temperature and decay for Simulated Annealing, etc.
    4. Number of for loops to run the experiment on, i.e. to plot mean and average.
  2. Run the runners and record the output, record any other necessary information you feel could be useful for plotting into df_run_curves.

  3. Save df_run_curves as a csv file.

  4. Use information from df_run_curves to make the necessary plots.

Feel free to innovate based on your requirements, the workflow above is just a guideline.