mlrose-ky: Machine Learning, Randomized Optimization and SEarch#
mlrose-ky is a Python package for applying some of the most common randomized optimization and search algorithms to a range of different optimization problems, over both discrete- and continuous-valued parameter spaces.
User Guide#
- Project Background
- Main Features
- Project Improvements over mlrose-hiive.
- Installation
- Licensing, Authors, Acknowledgements
Tutorial 1 - Getting Started#
- What is an Optimization Problem?
- Why use Randomized Optimization?
- Solving Optimization Problems with mlrose-ky
- Define a Fitness Function Object
- Define an Optimization Problem Object
- Select and Run a Randomized Optimization Algorithm
- Summary
- References
Tutorial 2 - Travelling Saleperson Problems#
- What is a Travelling Salesperson Problem?
- Solving TSPs with mlrose-ky
- Define a Fitness Function Object
- Define an Optimization Problem Object
- Select and Run a Randomized Optimization Algorithm
- Summary
Tutorial 3 - ML Weight Optimization Problems#
- What is a Machine Learning Weight Optimization Problem?
- Solving Machine Learning Weight Optimization Problems with mlrose-ky
- Data Pre-Processing
- Neural Networks
- Linear and Logistic Regression Models
- Summary